About Us

Easy Soft Tech isn't a company or any other kind of organization. It's merely an entity composed by a single individual.
An individual with the will to contribute in helping the comunity and, to do it, this person has invested throughout its life, on projects that may help with our daily routines.

Easy Soft Tech believes that, by providing the tools that can ensure a greater agility, flexibility and viability on our daily routines, is preparing a future that will "buy us more time" so that we can further enjoy life, have more time for family and friends and reduce the concern and uneasiness with problems that occur from time to time.

Trust is proportional to the time, in which a relationship is built between clients and vendors and has to be managed and mantained with a strict service and the focus and concern that setbacks always have a margin of occurrence and, as such, Easy Soft Tech intends, on the future, to defend proactivity throughout its projects, supplying tools that may be constantly updated, according to the needs of our clients, reaching to each consensus, for as the old saying goes:

"The freedom of each individual ends where the other begins"

One of the Easy Soft Tech core objectives is to expand its organizational spectrum, meaning, acquiring new resources, with the will of helping to achieve our goal, reinforcing the importance of cooperation and strenghtening of professional relationship bettween each and all individuals.